The UltraRAE 3000 is the most advanced Compound-Specific Monitor on the market. Its Photoionization Detector's (PID) extended range of 0.05 to 10,000 ppm in VOC mode and 50 ppb to 200 ppm in benzene-specific mode makes it an ideal instrument for applications from entry pre-screening during refinery and plant maintenance to hazardous material response, marine spill response and refinery down-stream monitoring.
MiniRAE 3000 PGM-7360 Key Features:
Extremely Versatile
 VOC mode or Benzene-Specific mode for extreme versatility
 Real-time wireless data transmission with built-in Bluetooth and optional RAELink3 portable modem
 Integrated RAE Systems Correction Factors list for more than 200 compounds, measuring more compounds than any other PID
 Field-interchangeable battery pack is replaceable in seconds without tools
Easy to Use
 Large graphic display
 Multi-language support
 Easy access to lamp and sensor in seconds without tools Low Cost of Ownership
 Inexpensive analysis using low-cost RAE-Sep tubes vs. gas detection tubes
 Much less expensive than a portable GC, and no annual factory calibration is required
 Confined space entry pre-screening during refinery and plant maintenance
 Hazardous material response
 Marine spill response
 Refinery down-stream monitoring
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