BW Clip4

The BW Clip4 four-gas detector offers you no hassle gas detection that you can count on when you've got your hands full in the field.

BW Clip4 Key Features

  • 2 year continuous runtime. It's always on
  • Simple one-button operation
  • Low cost of ownership
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BW Technologies

Please note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this product.

Wearable, easy multi-gas detection that's always on. No charging, no battery replacement, no hassle. Simpler, low cost of ownership guaranteed by the Honeywell commitment to quality, and backed by a full ecosystem of supporting technologies.

Once activated, you can rest assured that the BW Clip4 is always on. The BW Clip4 is easy to wear and use. Lower your maintenance costs with two years of continuous runtime without charging and no battery or sensor replacements. Simply turn your new detector on and then after two years replace it for a new one.

  • • H2S, CO, LEL, O2
  • • No hassle. No charging. No sensor/battery replacements
  • • IntelliDoX compatible

If you would like to buy the BW Clip4 online, you can do so at our sister company Cadmus Products.

Buy the BW Clip4