

Teledyne Oldham

The main aim of Teledyne Oldham is to build equipment that saves lives, using their many years of experience to design and manufacturer products and systems which maximise quality, performance and reliability. Teledyne Oldham gas detectors can be found in a wide range of applications, such as oil and gas, offshore exploration and production, petrochemical, food and beverage, water treatment, automotive, steel production, liquid natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, pharmaceutical, power stations and many others. All Teledyne Oldham products also meet all major international certification standards.

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Teledyne Oldham Fixed Gas Detection

  • Teledyne Oldham Fixed Gas Detection
  • Teledyne Oldham Fixed Flame Detection
  • Teledyne Oldham Fixed Gas Control Panels
  • Teledyne Oldham Multi Gas Detectors