Home › Personal Safety › Alcohol & Drug Testing › Drager DrugTest 5000 Analyser
Drager DrugTest 5000 Analyser
The Drager DrugTest 5000 system is a fast, accurate means
of testing oral fluid samples for drugs of abuse, such as
amphetamines, designer amphetamines, opiates, cocaine and
metabolites, benzodiazepines, cannabinoids and methadone.
The analyser offers easy data management with the Drager
Diagnostics Software.
ORAL FLUID DRUG DETECTION - The Drager DrugTest 5000 System is
comprised of two main components: the
Drager DrugTest 5000 analyser and the
Drager DrugTest 5000 Test Kits.
Reliable and easy to use, the DrugTest
5000 analyser is a mobile oral fluid
screening device for providing qualitative
detection of drugs using the DrugTest
5000 Test Kits.
QUICk AND PRECISE ANALYSIS - Providing reliable and precise analysis of
an oral fluid sample within just a few
minutes, this state-of-the-art optoelectronic
system weighs less than 10
pounds. The analyser has a user-friendly,
menu-driven, illuminated display which
can be easily read, even at acute angles.
CLEAR RESULTS STORED WITH DATA - The intrument interprets the results from
the test kit, eliminating any possibility of
human error in reading the results. The
full color display indicates "Positive" or
"Negative" for each drug type. With
configurable software, data entry
prompts can be customized to meet the
needs of different applications.
Data Sheet
DATA MANAGEMENT - The integrated data memory stores up to
500 individual measurements for printing
or upload to a PC. In addition to data
management, the device has a self-test
feature for temperature, optics and
general operation. It can also be easily
linked to a wide variety of data recording
devices such as a PC, Drager Mobile
Printer or barcode scanner.
COMPLETE DETECTION SYSTEM - Combined with a carrying bag, the
system can become mobile for on-thespot
detection. A complete breath
alcohol and drug detection system
includes the analyser, mobile printer,
keyboard, test kits, a Drager Alcotest
handheld screening device and
mouthpieces. Alcotest devices with
mobile printing capability can print to the
same Mobile Printer as the analyser.
CONFIRMATION ANALYSIS - Positive results can be confirmed with a
second oral fluid sample via an
independent, third-party laboratory
analysis using the gold standard method
for evidential tests. Results are available
online in a matter of days.
Ordering Information
Drager Drug Test 5000 analyser 8319900
Please note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this product.
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