Home › Personal Safety › Breathing Apparatus › Drager Oxy K Pro
Oxy K pro is a breathing apparatus for short duration operation, independent of the
ambient air, which uses chemically bound oxygen.Drager Oxy K Pro
Oxy K pro is intended for use on one single
occasion in areas where either smoke, toxic
gases or a lack of oxygen is in the
environment, or where there is a mixture of
hydrogen and air or methane and air.
Face and eye protection to guard against
smoke and heat.
Verbal communication possible.
Easy to put on and to breathe in.
Immediate oxygen supply through starter.
10 years without lifetime extension for
units held in stock.
Readiness for use immediately visible from
the outside through the service indicator.
Warning device in the field of vision,
which signals to wearer when 2/3rds of
operating time has elapsed that escape
must commence.
Electrically conductive housing.
CE approval (DIN 58652-1).
Suitable for temperatures up to class T 4.
ATEX, protection classes: EEx ia I.
EEx ia II CT 4, Typ Ex.
Disposal of damaged, opened, used or
expired Oxy K units.
Drager Oxy K pro - another quality product
from Drager Safety.
Please note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this product.