Developed by professionals for professionals the Drager PSS 7000 breathing apparatus - with Drager Bodyguard 7000 electronic monitoring unit - represents a major leep forward in the evolution of breathing apparatus for the professional fire fighter.
The Drager PSS 7000 is the platform and centre piece for a complete personal safety system for the fire fighter.
PSS 7000 with Gauge 3355068
PSS 7000 with Bodyguard 7000 (single strap) 3356679
PSS 7000 with Gauge (univ. cylinder strap) 3355930
PSS 7000 with Bodyguard 7000 (univ. cylinder strap) 3356680
The Drager Bodyguard 7000 is an electronic signal and warning unit which provides continuous monitoring of personal information and operational status of the Drager PSS 7000 the self contained breathing apparatus.
The revolutionary ergonomic design of the Drager Bodyguard 7000 incorporates the pressure sensor and power supply modules into the backplate of the Drager PSS 7000 which results in a balanced distribution of weight and a compact lightweight electronic monitoring unit.