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IKA RC 2 Basic Circulating Chiller

The IKA RC 2 Basic Circulating Chiller is a high-efficiency circulating chiller that features a powerful 400 W cooling capacity.

This chiller has been designed for cooling applications up to -20 °C. The speed-controlled PEEK pump permits an indirect continuous adjustment of the maximum pressure and flow rate. IKA's RC2 can even cope with sophisticated applications thanks to its excellent temperature stability of about ±0.1 K (@ -10 °C).

The thermofluid can be handled safely and cleanly, with the included feed hopper and bleed valve. Convenient cleaning of the air filter can take place thanks to the easy to open front hood.

The high quality insulated 4 l bath reservoir allows the use of up to 2.5 liters of thermofluid in the external cooling circle without refilling.

Data Sheet

IKA RC 2 Basic Circulating Chiller

Ordering Information

0004171000 - IKA RC 2 Basic Circulating Chiller

Please note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this product.

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