The PCRmax Eco 48 qPCR system has the world most accurate thermal block of any qPCR system and an optical system with an ability to detect down to just 1 copy as well as being able to easily perform a 40 cycle protocol in 40 minutes utilising standard your standard chemistries. The PCRmax Eco 48 utilises patented block and optical technologies to deliver extreme speed, sensitivity and data quality, with optimised protocol as fast as 15 minutes, all using standard plasticware and consumables, sensitivity down to 1 copy detection and the world most accurate block the Eco 48 will deliver Speed. Confidence. Performance. Value and Sensitivity.
Please see the PCRmax Delta testing kits. These kits are for research purposes only.
The PCRmax Eco 48 real time PCR system is a high specification, economically priced real time thermal cycler that accommodates a unique 48-well polypropylene PCR plate utilising the same geometry as standard 384-well plates, but only 1/8 of the size. This enables users to dramatically reduce the qPCR reagent volumes compared to traditional 96-well instruments, whilst still producing a strong fluorescence signal. Minimizing the plate size also significantly improves thermal uniformity. A minimum volume of 5µl is validated, cutting reagent costs in half and making more efficient use of expensive and hard to acquire template DNA samples.
You can buy this product online directly from our sister company Cadmus Products.
Features & Benefits
The Eco 48 system come with two distinct softwareâs, the first, Eco Control, drives the units set up and experimental runs while Eco Study is the analysis package.
The Eco 48 softwares are both open licence, you can install them on as many PCs as you like, and MIQE compliant.
Eco Control software