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Stuart - Aquatron Water Stills (A4000, A8000 & A4000D)
Fully automatic operation
High purity pyrogen free output
Low temperature distillate
Operates from any raw water supply
Reservoir level control
Simple conversion to pre-treated feed
Supplied with wall mounting bracket
Safety features allow unattended operation
Simple to clean
Three models are available giving outputs of 4 or 8 litres/hour single or
4 litres/hour double distilled water.
The high quality PYREX borosilicate glassware coupled with silica
sheathed heaters gives pyrogen free distillate of the highest purity
from virtually any raw water supply.
The unique condenser design ensures that the droplets of distilled
water remain in contact with the cooling coil for the longest possible
time ensuring maximum energy transfer. This produces cold distilled
water ready for immediate use and pre-heats the boiler feed to
increase efficiency.
All glass construction allows rapid descaling using strong mineral acids.
A built in "clean" function and integral acid addition funnel make the
cleaning operation simple and safe with no need to dismantle any of
the glassware. A large bore ROTAFLO stopcock with PTFE key is fitted
for easy draining of chemicals after cleaning.
A flow sensing device will detect any reduction in the flow of cooling
water to below the required level and will turn off the still before it
can overheat. Sensing the flow of cooling water rather than its
pressure is safer and allows the still to run normally on low pressure
supplies down to 3psi (20kPa). As a fail-safe device there is an overtemperature
thermostat mounted in the boiling chamber.
The Aquatron is very easy and safe to assemble and maintain. Both the
acrylic safety screen and the cabinet lid are removable giving unrivalled
access to the glassware components. Screwthreads are incorporated
on all water connections so hoses can be fitted and removed easily
and safely without risk of breakage.
Every Aquatron water still is supplied with a reservoir level control.
The control is a simple and effective system which can be fitted to
virtually any type of reservoir vessel. It will turn the still off when the
reservoir is full and restart it when the level in the reservoir drops as
distilled water is removed for use making it fully automatic.
Aquatron models
Produces 4 litres/hour single distilled water.
Can operate standing on the laboratory bench or be wall mounted.
Supplied with easy to fit wall mounting bracket.
Produces 8 litres/hour single distilled water, ideal for the larger
Glassware is enclosed in the same cabinet as the A4000 so can
operate standing on the laboratory bench or be wall mounted.
Supplied with easy to fit wall mounting bracket.
Produces 4 litres/hour double distilled water for higher purity levels.
The first stage distillation is carried out in a glassware set mounted at
the front of the cabinet allowing easy access for descaling. The
distilled water is fed to a second set of glassware mounted at the rear
and distilled a second time. The rear glassware is fitted with a level
sensor to ensure the heater is only activated when there is sufficient
water in the boiler.
Ordering Information
A4000 - Aquatron water still, 4 l/hr, single distilled, 240V
A4000/220 - Aquatron water still, 4 l/hr, single distilled, 220V
A8000 - Aquatron water still, 8 l/hr, single distilled, 240V
A8000/220 - Aquatron water still, 8 l/hr, single distilled, 220V
A4000D - Aquatron water still, 4 l/hr, double distilled, 240V
A4000D/220 - Aquatron water still, 4 l/hr, double distilled, 220V |

Data Sheet
Please note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this product.
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