Svantek SVAN 974

Svantek SVAN 974 Vibration Meter

The Svantek SVAN 974 Vibration Level Meter and Analyser is intended for general vibration measurements and machinery condition monitoring. It can be used by consultants, maintenance services, industry R&D departments etc. Instrument allows parallel acceleration, velocity and displacement measurements. Three vibration profiles allow parallel measurements with independently defined filters and RMS detector time constants. Each profile provides a significant number of results (like RMS, Peak or Max).

SVAN 974 Features:

  • Low-cost vibration analyser
  • IEPE and charge type accelerometers supported
  • Three parallel independent profiles - parallel acceleration, velocity and displacement measurements
  • Built-in machine filter (10 Hz รท 1 kHz) meeting ISO 20816 requirements
  • FFT real time analysis - up to 1600 lines (included)
  • 1/1 octave or 1/3 octave real time analysis (option)
  • RPM measurements (option)
  • Time domain signal recording to WAV format (option)
  • Advanced Data Logger of RMS / Max / Peak results including spectral analysis
  • OLED colour display
  • MicroSD card
  • Advanced trigger function
  • Power supply by four AA rechargeable or standard batteries
  • Battery operational time up to 16 h (in the meter mode)
  • Compact, light weight and robust case (only ca 390 grams including batteries)
  • USB 1.1 Client
  • Easy in use
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Please note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this product.

The advanced time-history logging for each profile provides the complete information about the measured signal. Measurements data stored to microSD card can be easily downloaded to any PC using the USB interface and SvanPC++ software.

Most of required weighting filters, like VelMF, meeting ISO 10816 standard requirements, are available with this instrument. Using the computational power of its digital signal processor, the SVAN 974 instrument can perform additionally the real-time 1/1 or 1/3 octave or FFT analysis. The SVAN 974 offers also, parallel to the vibration measurement, the RPM measurement with Monarch laser tachometer.

Instrument is powered from four AA standard or rechargeable batteries. The powering of the instrument from the USB interface is also provided. The robust and very compact case together with a light-weight design complete the exceptional features of this modern instrument.