Svantek SvanPC++ Environmental Monitoring Module

The Svantek SvanPC++ Environmental Monitoring module is designed for processing data from any noise or vibration measurements including data from long period unattended environmental monitoring. For time-history data analysis the software provides all necessary functionalities such as unwanted periods marking and removing or processing them separately, recalculation of original time-history records into longer intervals, calculation of number of parameters and presentation these results in text, table and graphic form.

Additionally, the module provides a reporting tool which allows any combination of data to be placed on a report. Project functionality easies the management of data stored in various file types, gathered across given measurement activity, like measurement data, calculation results, views, photos, graphics, pictures and report templates.

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Please note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this product.

Data analysis and recalculations:

  • Leq, SEL, Min, Max, Lmin, Lmax, Max(Max), Max(Peak), Ltm5, Tm5
  • Total RMS, Total VDV, Vector (RMS & Peak), Lmin, Lmax, Max(Max), Max(Peak)
  • Statistics (LN, histogram)
  • Day / evening / night noise level
  • Markers for events identification
  • Spectrum averaging, Min, Max
  • Peak and harmonics detection in FFT result files
  • Tonality analysis based on FFT and 1/3 octave result files
  • Impulsivity analysis according to UNI/BS 9432:2002

Data management:

  • Projects (results, views, calculations, pictures and other files)
  • Time-history data cutting
  • Saving views on data
  • Reporting with schemes (Microsoft Word™ required)