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Techne Prime Thermal Cycler Range
Techne have upgraded our established thermal
cycler range to provide easier programming and
increased instrument flexibility. The Prime range
has been designed to enhance the user experience
with an outstanding touch interface and identical
software for all models. The new range provides
high performance, exceptional value and a reliability
backed by the market leading 4 year warranty.
The Techne Prime Range
Techne has developed a comprehensive new range of
thermal cyclers around its belief that all users deserve
PCR without compromise. Our design philosophy has
focused on delivering an enhanced user experience on
all models.
Total reliability
Premium interface
High performance cycling block
Easy software and data transfer
Unique upgrade function
Exceptional value for money
Format and Throughput Flexibility
Personal, mid-sized and full size block models
Interchangeable blocks with 0.2ml, 0.5ml and
384 plate well options
Control a network of up to 9 satellites from a
single server
Use the consumables of your choice
Enhanced Thermal Engine
The Prime range is controlled by a completely redesigned
thermal block algorithm to improve temperature profiles
and provide a consistent high level of performance run
after run.
Choose a cycler with ramp rate that meets your
needs, from 3- 5°C/sec
Excellent thermal accuracy
Very accurate dwell times prevent non-specific
primer binding
Helping to Manage a Budget
Techne believe that not only do our instruments offer the
most affordable thermal cycler solutions on the market
but that you should only pay for what you need when you
need it. The Prime range introduces a unique feature.
³PrimeX and Prime units can be upgraded
to achieve gradient capability
Simple and easy process installed via USB
No price penalty for upgrading later
Improve Protocol Design
Optimise your protocol design with a true gradient
approach. No need to calculate individual zone
temperatures and no need for additional programming.
Gradient calculator automatically sets values
across block
30-80°C temperature range
14°C - 30°C gradient across block (depending on
Prime Data Sheet Prime Combi-Block Data Sheet
The most feature packed personal thermal cycler on
the market and the only entry-level cycler to offer
programming via a touch interface. With rapid ramp
rates and a small footprint it is the ideal instrument
for researching and teaching laboratories.
Ordering codes:
³Prime thermal cycler, 24 x 0.2ml - 3PRIMEBASE/02
³Prime thermal cycler, 18 x 0.5ml - 3PRIMEBASE/05
³PrimeX & ³PrimeG
These mid-sized cyclers match all the features of
the 3Prime instrument alongside expanded sample
capacity and gradient cycling capability.
Ordering codes:
³PrimeX thermal cycler, 48 x 0.2ml - 3PRIMEX/02
³PrimeX thermal cycler, 30 x 0.5ml - 3PRIMEX/05
³PrimeX upgrade - 3PRIMEX/USB
³PrimeG gradient thermal cycler, 48 x 0.2ml - 3PRIMEG/02
³PrimeG gradient thermal cycler, 30 x 0.5ml - 3PRIMEG/05
Prime & PrimeG
The Prime instrument is a full sized model that will
become your reliable laboratory partner for routine
Fast ramp rate of up to 3.4°C/sec
A versatile, fully interchangeable block system
allows exchange in a matter of seconds
without the need of tools.
A USB port enables the transfer of
programs between instruments and
temperature logs to your PC
Gradient cycling is available directly
using the PrimeG instrument or by
upgrading the Prime unit.
Ordering codes:
Prime thermal cycler, 96 x 0.2ml - 5PRIME/02
Prime thermal cycler, 60 x 0.5ml - 5PRIME/05
Prime thermal cycler, 384 well plates - 5PRIME/384
Prime gradient upgrade - 5PRIMEX/USB
PrimeG gradient thermal cycler, 96 x 0.2ml - 5PRIMEG/02
PrimeG gradient thermal cycler, 60 x 0.5ml - 5PRIMEG/05
PrimeG gradient thermal cycler, 384 well - 5PRIMEG/384
Prime Elite & Prime Elite Satellite
This range is now obsolete and no longer available.
This premier cycler combines a high performance
thermal engine with unique instrument design to
deliver the smallest 4 block PCR networking solution
on the market. Faster ramp rates and excellent block
uniformity are achieved using the TERS™ Thermal
Energy Recovery System. TERS™ harnesses the heat
released during the cooling phase and delivers it
back to the block during the next heating phase
increasing ramp rates for faster cycling.
Ordering codes:
Prime Elite thermal cycler, 96 x 0.2ml - ELITE/02
Prime Elite thermal cycler, 60 x 0.5ml - ELITE/05
Prime Elite thermal cycler, 384 well - ELITE/384
Prime Elite satellite thermal cycler, 96 x 0.2ml - ELITESAT/02
Prime Elite satellite thermal cycler, 60 x 0.5ml - ELITESAT/05
Prime Elite satellite thermal cycler, 384 well - ELITESAT/384
Prime Combi-Block
Techne have developed a new Combi-block
for the Prime range of thermal cyclers. This
provides unrivalled flexibility with ability to
accommodate 33 x 0.2ml tubes and 33 x 0.5ml
tubes , in 6 rows and 11 columns. Prime Combi-
Block cyclers are available with or without a
temperature gradient, which is upgradable
Flexible 0.2ml and 0.5ml
Gradient capability
Total reliability
Exceptional value for money
Ordering codes:
5PRIME/C - Prime thermal cycler, Combi-Block
5PRIMEG/C - Prime gradient thermal cycler, Combi-Block
Please note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this product.
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