Techne RB Refrigerated Baths

Techne RB Refrigerated Baths

The Techne RB Refrigerated Baths are a complete refrigerated circulating system for open or closed applications, for temperature ranges from -35°C to 100°C. Each bath is supplied with a lid and bridging plate.

There are three bath capacities: 7 litre (RB-5A), 12 litre (RB-12A) and 22 litre (RB-22A). Temperature control is via one of the four thermoregulators and together they offer a choice of 12 different bath combinations.

Techne RB Refrigerated Baths Key Features

  • Circulating bath with built in refrigeration
  • Temperature range from -35°C to 150°C
  • Three different capacities of refrigerated bath; 7, 12 or 22 litre
  • The combination of 3 circulating baths and 4 thermoregulators provides 12 options
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Please note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this product.
Specification RB-5A RB-12A RB-22A
Minimum temperature -20°C -35°C -30°C
Cooling capacity at 20°C 145W 240W 240W
Cooling capacity at 0°C 145W 240W 240W
Cooling capacity at -10°C 110W 230W 220W
Overall size including controller LWH (mm) 430 x 250 x 566 430 x 370 x 610 430 x 395 x 565
Internal size LWH (mm) 192 x 151 x 200 208 x 300 x 150 360 x 295 x 220
Working depth Max-Min (mm) 180-135 130-85 200-160
Working capacity Max-Min (L) 7.0-5.5 11.6-9.6 22-18
Shipping weight (excluding thermoregulator) 31kg 53kg 61kg



FRB5D RB-5A bath, 7 litre capacity with refrigeration unit, - 20°C to 100°C (230V, 50-60Hz)

FRB5P RB-5A bath, 7 litre capacity with refrigeration unit, - 20°C to 100°C (120V, 50-50Hz)

FRB2D RB-12A bath, 12 litre capacity with refrigeration unit, - 35°C to 100°C (230V, 50-50Hz)

FRB2P RB-12A bath, 12 litre capacity with refrigeration unit, - 35°C to 100°C (120V, 50-50Hz)

FRB22D RB-22A bath, 22 litre capacity with refrigeration unit, - 30°C to 100°C (230V, 50-50Hz)

FRB22P RB-22A bath, 22 litre capacity with refrigeration unit, - 30°C to 100°C (120V, 50-50Hz)

FBCAL7PH Probe holder for RB-5A