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Zellweger Chemcassette Toxic Gas Detection

Chemcassette is the unique trademarked name by Zellweger for a calibration free toxic gas detection method that uses an optical scanning system to detect the presence of a gas by the color change on a special chemically impregnated paper tape. Highly specific the Chemcassette technology reacts extremely fast the many hazardous gases to the presence of parts per billion (ppb). Currently over 200,000 points of gas detection are maintained by the Chemcassette sensing technology at any given time around the World as some of the most critical safety applications possible.

Each Chemcassette is manufactured to traceable ISO 9000 manufacturing standards by a world class team of highly trained chemists. Each batch is calibrated with the ultra-pure gas at nationally accepted standards that are traceable. The end user does not have to provide calibration facilities themselves thereby saving cost and reducing the risks to their own staff.

Efficient high volume manufacturing techniques means that there is always available Chemcassette in stock that can be shipped to anywhere across the World so that our customers are never left without adequate safety cover. Application support with our expert gas detection chemists is available by phone and e-mail and is supported with many years of technical application notes and helps to diagnose common support issues.

Should there be any concern regarding the performance of an individual Chemcassette, a free of charge evaluation will be performed to trouble shoot the observed scenario using the "Customer Discrepancy Report" CDR an award winning quality management system. Completed by a customer every CRD is guaranteed a full response and the outcome is reported directly back to the end user to ensure a complete resolution process.

Each Chemcassette is backed with a full warranty and we have over 20 years of experience owing to the quality control of its proven sensing technology.

Zellweger Chemcassette Toxic Gas Detection

Features & Benefits

  Visible proof of a gas release event
  Fast response time
  Low false alarm occurrence

Quick Specs

  Greater sensitivity (detection down to parts per billion levels)
  Superior selectivity (less cross-interference with other gases)
  Stability (consistent, repeatable operation)


Ordering Information

SP Chemcassettes® For TLD-1, SPM, Series 7100 and System 16 Monitoring Systems

706002 Ammonia
706042 Aliphatic Amines/Ammonia
711314 Bromine
704006 Chlorine/Chlorine Dioxide (1)
704007 Chlorine/Oxidizers (1)
700506 Diisocyanates
1750-9306 Fluorine
708013 Hydrazines
705502 Hydrides
702505 Hydrogen Chloride-for Series 7100 (ppm level)
704510 Hydrogen Cyanide-for TLD-1 and SPM Monitors
700278 Hydrogen Peroxide
701012 Hydrogen Sulphide
705505 Mineral Acids
703012 Nitrogen Dioxide
704514 Ozone
702020 Phosgene
709528 Aromatic Amines/PPD
705015 Sulphur Dioxide
705027 Sulphur Dioxide, Low Level

EP Chemcassettes® - For Model SPM Monitors Only

700342 Aliphatic Amines/Ammonia
700343 Aromatic Amines/PPD
700313 Bromine
700302 Chlorine/Chlorine Dioxide
700309 Diisocyanates
1740-9306 Fluorine
700347 Hydrazines
700300 Hydrides
700509 Hydrogen Peroxide
700304 Hydrogen Sulphide
700337 Mineral Acids
700305 Nitrogen Dioxide
700307 Phosgene
700350 Sulphur Dioxide, Low Level

LP Chemcassettes® - For Series 7100 and System 16 only

711342 Aliphatic Amines/Ammonia
711302 Chlorine/Chlorine Dioxide
711309 Diisocyanates
1830-9306 Fluorine
711300 Hydrides
711304 Hydrogen Sulphide
711337 Mineral Acids (1)
711305 Nitrogen Dioxide (2)
711307 Phosgene

CM4 Chemcassette® - For the Model CM4 Toxic Gas Monitor

874342 Aliphatic Amines/Ammonia
874007 Chlorine (monitors up to 16 days)
1874-9306 Fluorine
874347 Hydrazine
874300 Hydrides
874510 Hydrogen Cyanide (monitors up to 16 days)
874304 Hydrogen Sulphide
874337 Mineral Acids
874307 Phosgene
874568 Sulphur Dioxide

EGM Chemcassettes® - For the Model EGM only

856342 Aliphatic Amines/Ammonia
856302 Chlorine/Chlorine Dioxide
856300 Hydrides
856337 Mineral Acids
856307 Phosgene

Vertex Chemcassettes® - For Vertex only

1295-0221 Aliphatic Amines/Ammonia
1295-0220 Fluorine (for F2, NO2)
1295-0300 Hydrides
1295-0222 Hydrogen Cyanide (monitors up to 2 weeks)
1295-0225 Mineral Acids
1295-0552 Sulphur Dioxide

Extended Play XP Chemcassettes® -for 1 to 3 months Service Life

1295-0227 XPV for Chlorine (Vertex)
1830-9308 XPL for Chlorine (System 16)
1874-9308 XPC for Chlorine (CM4)
1740-9308 XPS for Chlorine (SPM)
1756-9308 XPE for Chlorine (EGM)
1750-9308 XPT for Chlorine (TLD)
1295-0226 XPV for Hydrides (Vertex)
1830-9300 XPL for Hydrides (System 16)
1874-9300 XPC for Hydrides (CM4)
1740-9300 XPS for Hydrides (SPM)
1756-9300 XPE for Hydrides (EGM*)
1750-9300 XPT for Hydrides (ChemKey-TLD**)
1295-0228 XPV for Phosgene (Vertex)
1874-9307 XPC for Phosgene (CM4)
1740-9307 XPS for Phosgene (SPM)
1756-9307 XPE for Phosgene (EGM)
1295-0405 XPV for Ammonia (Vertex)
1830-9309 XPL for Ammonia (System 16)
1874-9309 XPC for Ammonia (CM4)
1740-9309 XPS for Ammonia (SPM)
1756-9309 XPE for Ammonia (EGM)
1295-0507 XPV for Mineral Acids (Vertex)
1874-9310 XPC for Mineral Acids (CM4)
1740-9310 XPS for Mineral Acids (SPM)
1750-9310 XPT for Mineral Acids (TLD)

Extended Play XP4 Chemcassettes® -for 4 Months Service Life

1257-9308 XP4-V for Chlorine (Vertex)
1258-9308 XP4-C for Chlorine (CM4)
1257-9300 XP4-V for Hydrides (Vertex)
1258-9300 XP4-C for Hydrides (CM4)
1257-9307 XP4-V for Phosgene (Vertex)
1258-9307 XP4-C for Phosgene (CM4)
1257-9309 XP4-V for Ammonia (Vertex)
1258-9309 XP4-C for Ammonia (CM4)
1257-9310 XP4-V for Mineral Acids (Vertex)
1258-9310 XP4-C for Mineral Acids (CM4)

Please note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this product.

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Fixed Gas Detectors

705 HT Sensor
FS20X Fire and Flame Detector
FS24X Flame Detector
FSL100 Series Flame Detectors
OELD (Optima Excel Local Display)
ProRAE Guardian
RAEGuard 2 PID Fixed Detector
Searchline Excel Cross-Duct
Searchline Excel Infrared Open Path
Searchline Excel Kits with XNX Transmitters
Searchpoint Optima Plus
Sensepoint with Junction Box
Sensepoint XCD
Sensepoint XCL
Sensepoint XRL
Series 3000 MkII and MkIII
SS4 UV and UV/IR Flame Detectors
System 57
Touchpoint Plus 19" Rack
Touchpoint Plus Controller
Touchpoint Pro
Unipoint Controller
XNX Universal Transmitter

Semi High Tech

ACM 150 FT-IR Centralised Gas Monitoring System
Chemcassette Toxic Gas Detection
ChemKey TLD Toxic Gas Detector
CM4 Continuous Multipoint Monitor
Fire Sentry FS7 Flame Detector
LeakFilm Liquid Leak Detector
Midas Gas Detector
Satellite XT
SPM Flex Chemcassette
SPM Single Point Monitor
Vertex M Hazardous Gas Monitor
Vertex Multi-Point Toxic Gas Monitoring System

Tubes & Pumps

Colorimetric Gas Detection Tubes and Pump

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