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Grant Bio PCV-6000 Multi-Spin Combined Centrifuge/Vortex Mixer
Highly versatile and efficient variable-speed combined centrifuge/vortex mixers. Programmed
centrifugation and mix operations or independent centrifuging and vortex-mixing of multiple
microtubes and 0.2 ml strips.
Spin-mix-spin technology can save considerable time by automatically performing a cycling program of sample mixing
and spinning 12 tubes at once, when compared with removing the tubes for vortexing after every spin.
Key Features
Centrifugation speed: up to 6000rpm
Vortex mixing modes - soft, medium and hard with
regulated timer of 1 to 20 seconds, with automatic
Choice of interchangeable rotors for different
microtube sizes/combinations and for 0.2 ml strips
Life science - genetic engineering research (for PCR-diagnostics experiments). Units can be
used in microbiological, biochemical, clinical laboratories and industrial biotechnological

Data Sheet
Ordering Information
Microcentrifuge/vortex Multi-spin™ to 6000 rpm, programmable, inc. rotors for 12 x 1.5ml and 12 x 0.5ml plus 12 x 0.2ml PCV-6000
Rotor optional for 8 x 1.5/2.0ml and 8 x 0.5 ml tubes fits PCV-2400/3000/6000 PR2-05
Rotor optional for 6 x 1.5/2.0 ml plus 6 x 0.5ml plus 6 x 0.2 ml microtubes fits PCV-2400/3000/6000 PR2-05-02
Rotor optional for 2 x 8-well 0.2ml microtube strips fits PCV-2400/3000/6000 PSR-16
Rotor replacement standard for 12 x 1.5ml microtubes fits PCV-2400/3000/6000 R-15
Rotor replacement standard for 12 x 0.5 ml plus 12 x 0.2 ml tubes fits PCV-2400/3000/6000 R-05-02
note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without
notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this
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