Home › Lightning & Surges Protection › DEHNshield Application-optimised Multipole Combined Lightning Current and Surge Arresters
No additional backup fuse is required if an installation is protected by
backup fuses up to 160 A.
DEHNshield Application-optimised Multipole Combined Lightning Current and Surge Arresters
Application-optimised prewired combined lightning
current and surge arrester based on spark
gap technology
Space-saving arrester for compact and simply
equipped electrical installations with reduced
technical requirements
Capable of protecting terminal equipment
Discharge capacity up to 50 kA (10/350 μs)
No tripping of 32 A gL/gG fuses up to shortcircuit
currents of 25 kArms
Operating state/fault indication by indicator
flag in the inspection window
The space-saving and application-optimised DEHNshield family offers various
benefits that are characteristic of spark-gap-based Type 1 arresters
such as the "wave breaker function" (WBF). This function and the associated
reduction of the pulse time mitigate the energy of the lightning
impulse current to an acceptable level for downstream protection stages
or terminal equipment. Moreover, DEHNshield arresters are directly energy
coordinated with other arresters of the Red/Line product family.
Application-optimised DEHNshield combined lightning current and surge
arresters combine lightning equipotential bonding up to 50 kA (10/350 �s)
lightning impulse currents and surge protection in a single device.
This clearly distinguishes DEHNshield from varistor-based arresters of this
application and performance class.
Due to their technical parameters which are rated for use in simple and
compact electrical installations, DEHNshield arresters are ideally suited
for this application class. For this reason, they are a space-saving and
application-optimised solution in particular for residential buildings.
DEHNshield arresters also provide optimal protection in buildings without
external lightning protection system where roof superstructures or
overhead line supplies are installed. According to VdS 2031, it is advisable
to use Type 1 SPDs for these buildings. A detailed application
description can be found in brochure DS193.
If applications are not sufficiently defined, it is advisable to use
DEHNventil. Fulfilling the most stringent technical requirements,
DEHNventil provides adequate protection at any time and is suitable for
any application.
The energy coordinated arresters even allow to protect terminal equipment
if the distance between DEHNshield and the consumers is ≤ 5 m.
Owing to their non-exhausting spark gap and low space requirements,
the application-optimised combined lightning current and surge arresters
can be easily integrated into distribution boards.
The follow-current-limiting spark gap technology ensures selectivity even
in case of low-value fuses (35 A gL/gG), meaning that upstream fuses are
not tripped by mains follow currents.
Busbars and pin-shaped terminals from DEHN + SOHNE can be used for
connecting DEHNshield to other DIN rail mounted devices. The type designation
of DEHNshield allows to easily choose the right arrester for the
relevant system configuration of the low-voltage consumer?fs installation.
The operating state/fault indication of every protective path immediately
provides information on the operating state of the arrester even if no
operating current is present.
DSH TT 255
DSH TN 255
DSH TT 2P 255 Part Number
941 300
941 400
941 310
941 200
941 110
Please note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this product.