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Zareba LeakFilm Liquid Leak Detector
LeakFilm is a liquid leak detection system made by Zareba that uses unique liquid-sensing films that can be networked into broader building alarm systems.
This features innovative technology to alert you to leaks of water, chemicals and hydrocarbons - so you can protect your assets with immediate effect, ensure constant uptime and manage costs.
In addition LeakFilm helps you protect your people as well as to protecting your equipment, - by monitoring for liquid leaks that cause life-safety hazards such as inhalation of dangerous vapors, slips and falls.
Features & Benefits
Durable and flexible to stand up to challenges in your facility
Fast response and longer life
Easy to install and maintain
Technical Manual
Ordering Information
LeakFilm Controller
HLFC1MNN LeakFilm Mini 1 Channel Mini Conductive with Sensor Broken Detection
HLFC5CRN LeakFilm 5 5 Channel Conductive with Sensor Broken Detection
HLFC1HRN LeakFilm HC 1 Channel Hydrocarbon Controller with Sensor Broken Detection
HLFC1DRD LeakFilm Pro 1 Channel Conductive & Chemical Controller with Leak Position Detection
HLFCMSRD LeakFilm MC Master Controller with RS485
LeakFilm Sensor
100 meter Conductive Sensor
HLFSSCNN-050 50 meter Conductive Sensor
HLFSSCNN-001 Custom Length Conductive Sensor (per meter)
100 meter Conductive Sensor with Leak Position Detection
HLFSSCND-050 50 meter Conductive Sensor with Leak Position Detection
HLFSSCND-001 Custom Length Conductive Sensor with Leak Position Detection (per meter)
100 meter Chemical Sensor with Leak Position Detection
HLFSSAND-050 50 meter Chemical Sensor with Leak Position Detection
HLFSSAND-001 Custom Length Chemical Sensor with Leak Position Detection (per meter)
100 meter Hydrocarbon Sensor
HLFSSHNN-050 50 meter Hydrocarbon Sensor
HLFSSHNN-020 20 meter Hydrocarbon Sensor
HLFSSHNN-001 Custom Length Hydrocarbon Sensor (per meter)
2 meter Controller Integrated Conductive Sensor
LeakFilm Connector
HLFNCSND-001 Start Connector Start Connector with 1 meter Lead Wire
HLFNCSND-005 Start Connector Start Connector with 5 meters Lead Wire
HLFNCJND-000 Jump Connector Jump Connector with 15 cm Lead Wire
HLFNCJND-001 Jump Connector Jump Connector with 1 meter Lead Wire
HLFNCLND-000 Elbow Connector Elbow Connector
HLFNCEND-000 End Connector 4 Lines End Connector 4 Lines
HLFNCENN-000 End Connector 2 Lines End Connector 2 Lines
LeakFilm Demo Kit
HLFDD2RD Demo Kit LeakFilm Leak Detector Demo Kit (LeakFilm Pro, and Mini)
HLFDD3RD Demo Kit LeakFilm Leak Detector Demo Kit (LeakFilm Pro, Mini and HC)
Please note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this product.
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