Home › Gas Analysers › Safety › 3M FlameVision FV300 Flame Detector
The detector can be supplied with
an optional integrated color video camera to display a live image of the field
of view. This is in addition to the alarm location and status information, which
is available as standard on the video output.
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3M FlameVision FV300 Flame Detector
Advanced array based detector
Powerful DSP with algorithms to give reliable flame detection of up to 4
radiation sources
Detection range: Over 50m for 0.1m2 n-heptane pan fire
Field of view: 90o horizontal, 85o vertical with full range maintained
High immunity to false alarms
Solar blind
Masking of areas in field of view
Automatic optical path monitoring
Advanced self test and service features
Built-in video camera (option): view protected area with alarm location
and status overlay
IEC 61508 Approved (SIL2)
FLAMEVision FV300 uses Infra-Red Array based sensing technology
to provide the ultimate programmable flame detector. An array of 256
infrared sensors plus two optical channels view the protected area. Powerful
algorithms running on a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) are tuned to the
characteristics of a fire and accurately the signals from these channels quickly
and reliably identify fires.
A key advantage of using an array is that the
detector can accurately identify the location of the flame within the field of
view. The location information is used to overlay a marker on the live video
output to highlight the fire location. The user can quickly see the location of
fires, and decide on the appropriate action.
The location information is also
available on the field network interface. User defined areas within the field of
view can be masked and un-masked dynamically to improve reliability and
maintain maximum coverage at all tImes.
Complete System
516.300.006 FV 311S Infrared Array flame detector, no camera
516.300.007 FV 311SC-N Infrared Array flame detector, NTSC camera
516.300.008 FV 311S PAL Infrared Array flame detector, PAL camera
Spare Parts & Accessories
517.300.001 MB 300 Mounting Bracket
517.300.002 WH 300 Weather Hood
517.300.006 MK 300 Field Spares Kit
517.300.021 WT 300 Walk Test Controller
517.300.022 CTI 300 Off-line Configuration Tool Kit