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Sabre Safety 7400 Plus Controller
Centralised Graphic Display and Alarm Controller
Seamless Upgrade for Current Loop and Direct Catalytic Bead Detectors
MODBUS Interfacing and Output Relay Options
for Any Environment
Compatibility with Sabre Safety's Full Array of Gas Detection
Transmitters and Detectors
Hazardous Location Approval for Class I,
Division 2 Applications
CONTROLLERS are designed to provide simultaneous
display and alarm functions for up to four monitored
variables. A graphic LCD displays monitored data as bar
graphs and engineering units. Three adjustable alarm
levels are provided per channel. Relay outputs allow
control of beacons, horns and other alarm events.
The controllers are easy to configure and are user friendly.
Measurement ranges in engineering units, adjustable
alarm set-points, optional serial interfaces and
many other features offer flexibility to meet most
demanding applications.

The controllers utilise NEMA 4X rated enclosures and
are CSA certified to CSA C22.2 No. 152 for combustible
detection and Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D
hazardous locations. An optional RS-485 MODBUS® slave
port allows up to 128 controllers to be multidropped
onto a single data highway for interrogation by another
MODBUS master.

Ordering Information
Complete NEMA 4 7400 Plus Controller
093-0463 NEMA 4X 4 Channel Base Unit
093-0455 4 Channel Direct Cat Bead Input* and Discrete Relays(8)
093-0456 4 Channel Direct Cat Bead Input *
093-0457 4 Channel 4-20ma Input and Discrete Relays(8)
093-0458 4 Channel 4-20ma Input
093-0618 7400 Plus - 4 Channel, NEMA 4X, Direct Catbead Input Board, CSA approved
093-0619 7400 Plus - 4 Channel, NEMA 4X, 4-20 mA Input Board, CSA approved
Note: RS 485 output optional
Complete NEMA 7 7400 Plus Controller
093-0464 NEMA 7 4 Channel Base Unit
093-0459 4 Channel Direct Cat Bead Input* and Discrete Relays(6)
093-0460 4 Channel Direct Cat Bead Input*
093-0461 4 Channel 4-20ma Input and Discrete Relays(6)
093-0462 4 Channel 4-20ma Input
*Jumper option allows for 4-20 ma input
Transmitter power requirements must be <12 watts.
7400 Plus Controller Optional Parts
093-0435 Discrete Alarm Relay Board (6, 5A Form C Relays)
093-0438 RS-232 / RS-485 MODBUS RTU Addressable Interface
093-0465 QUAD Quad Channel 4-20mA Input
093-0466 QUAD Catbead Sensor Input
093-0467 QUAD Channel 4-20mA Output
093-0518 Red Class 1 Div 2 Strobe Light
093-0439 100dB Piezo Audible Alarm
7400 Plus Controller 24 VDC Power Supplies
093-0468 50 Watt NEMA 4X DIV 2 Power Supply
093-0469 50 Watt NEMA 7 DIV 1 Power Supply
093-0538 CPU/Display PCB
Please note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of this product.
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